RAGGING IS A PUNISHABLE OFFENCE AS PER LAW         Check Notification for admission to vacant seats in M.A. / M.Sc. / M.Com. / MRS courses (session 2024-26)

Important Dates Of 2025-2027

Vice-Chancellor's Message

অধ্যাপক(ড.) সৌরেন বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়
West Bengal State University

The motto of West Bengal State University has been to impart holistic education among the students for which the university provides an excellent academic & administrative ambience. The University especially caters the need of the poor and marginalised section of the society. With the active engagement and continuous support of all stake holders, we are committed to take this institution to a new height.

PG ADMISSION 2025-2027

Facing Problem